More Money For Education

The Obama administrtion recently proposed a bill that would give more money to states with poor children who are suggling. However, the money will not just be handed out. Each state will have to come up with a plan as to where and how the money will be spent. Many people see this as socialism, but I see this as a necessary step to keep up with today's world. This will help us stay competitive by allowing children to be prepared for college or a career after high school. In addition, the Federal government is allowing the states to come up with their own plan.
Does Iran Have Nuclear Weapons?

71% of Americans believe that Iran has nuclear weapons even though Iran's Supreme Leader says they arn't seeking or believe in nuclear weapons. Americans not only think Iran is harboring and/or creating weapons but also think there should be immediate economic and diplomatic ations taken to stop Iran. I see two problems with these opinions. First, not near 71% of Americans even watch the news or have the ability to make an informed decision about Iran. Second, Americans want taxes and the deficit to decrease but call for immediate acton in situations like this. Tax cuts and action can not take place simultaneously with deficit dcreases.
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