Census Time
Americans are being urged to fill out one of the shortest census forms ever this year so an acuurate count can take place. The census is so important because the results are used to determine how to allocate $400 billion federal dollars. However, getting an accurate cound is much more difficult than it may sound. Illegal immigrants often don't fill out the form because they fear they will be found out and send back to their home country. This thought is incorrect though becuase all the information collected in confidential. I just hope that this census can take place cheaply but accurately. I see the importance of it but I also notice that it costs around $15 billion. If we spend this much, it better be done well and accurately. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/02/26/census.redistricting/index.html?hpt=Sbinhttp://2010.census.gov/2010census/
Americans are being urged to fill out one of the shortest census forms ever this year so an acuurate count can take place. The census is so important because the results are used to determine how to allocate $400 billion federal dollars. However, getting an accurate cound is much more difficult than it may sound. Illegal immigrants often don't fill out the form because they fear they will be found out and send back to their home country. This thought is incorrect though becuase all the information collected in confidential. I just hope that this census can take place cheaply but accurately. I see the importance of it but I also notice that it costs around $15 billion. If we spend this much, it better be done well and accurately. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/02/26/census.redistricting/index.html?hpt=Sbinhttp://2010.census.gov/2010census/
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