Although the health care reform bill passed the House of Representatives, there is no way that it will find enough support in the Senate. This is mainly because a few democrats don't even support the bill. None of the republicans will vote for the bill and without all of the democratic votes, it
will fail to pass. The bill that passed the House should have been altered so it would have more support in the Senate. Then, it could pass by the end of this year and by election season next year, the Democrats would still be able to keep control of both houses. I believe that the bill needs to pass because Americans are spending increasing amounts of money on health care, and the bill would lower the cost of healthcare.
Here is the key lesson from your CNN article, "Once both chambers have passed a bill, a congressional conference committee will merge the two proposals into a consensus version that would require final approval from each chamber and Obama's signature." I think it will pass the Senate by MLK day!